Bud Industries, Inc.

Bud Industries, Inc. - Bud Industries, Inc. is the leading manufacturer of enclosures for the electronics and data industries. Noted for innovative design, Bud Industries offers the first stackable plastic electronics enclosure, the first totally transparent NEMA-rated enclosure, and a series of portable aluminum instrument cases that provide portability in applications where it was not previously possible. +More Other elements in the Bud line include products ranging from small hand held boxes to large cabinet racks and include standard electronic enclosures, custom electronic enclosures, accessories, brackets, card racks, cabinet racks, open racks, server cabinets, and co-location cabinets. These products are available in plastic or metal and can be either a standard design or designed to meet NEMA requirements. Enclosure accessories include shelves, casters, outlet strips, and fans. Modified standard and custom products are also available, as is complete design support. -Less
AX Semiconductor з'яўляецца панчоха дыстрыб'ютар Bud Industries, Inc.. Калі ласка, звяжыцеся з намі, калі вам патрэбныя любыя прадукты, зробленыя Bud Industries, Inc..
Bud Industries, Inc. прадукты
Дошкі распрацоўкі, камплекты, праграмісты
Прадукты для акумулятараў
Абарона лініі, размеркаванне, рэзервовае капіраван